The No Place for Hate, Indivisible Plymouth and the Herring Pond Wampanoag came together to spread the word of PEACE and HEALING!

August 21, 2020

Plymouth organizations to host an Under the Rock event!

PLYMOUTH — The Herring Pond Wampanoag Tribe, Plymouth No Place for Hate Committee, the Plymouth Area League of Women Voters and Indivisible Plymouth will host Under the Rock, an outdoor and socially-distanced public event, from 6 to 7 p.m. Aug. 20 at Brewster Garden, 30 Court St., to uncover history.

Attendees are asked to wear a mask. The rain date is slated for Aug. 21.

Under the Rock will commemorate the connection between the year 1619 and the year 1620. Information comes from the NYTimes 1619 educational project (Exploring the impact of the 20 enslaved Africans who first came to the shores of this country, in what is now Virginia on August 20, 1619.)

Residents of the Plymouth community are invited to join in a celebration of the 100th anniversary of the women’s right to vote and the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution on Aug. 18, 1920. The event is also committed to recognizing indigenous peoples who called the land of Patuxet/Plymouth home, long before 1620. In addition, residents are encouraged to find inspiration in the life of John Lewis and consider his call to action for “Good Trouble,” the moral courage to speak when something wrong is witnessed.

This celebration is part of the community work of the Plymouth League for Women Voters, Indivisible Plymouth, Plymouth No Place for Hate and the Herring Pond Wampanoag Tribe to support ongoing community reflection and conversation to develop racial literacy and deepen historical perspective to guide current actions as citizens to promote the American promise of liberty and justice for all. Speakers will include:

  • Melissa (Harding) Ferretti, chairlady of Herring Pond Wampanoag
  • Donna Curtin, executive director of Pilgrim Hall Museum
  • Reverend Lawrence Nunes, spoken word artist, Disciples of Christian Tabernacle Mission in Rhode Island pastor
  • Reading of a poem by Plymouth Poet Laureate Stephan Delbos by David Buckman owner of Golden Gull Studios
  • Harrison Quinn, Civics Teacher at Plymouth Community Intermediate School
  • Plymouth Students from North and South High Schools and Plymouth Public Schools Alumni

The celebration will include the following events:

  • August Under the Rock Challenge: Residents are encouraged to post often on social media feed what they are learning about the lesser known history of communities of color and women’s suffrage.
  • Good Trouble Voting Challenge: Register to vote, sign up for an absentee ballot and take the census. The Plymouth League of Women Voters will have a voter registration and absentee ballot registration table at the event. For more information about the Sept. 1 primary and Nov. 3 general election, visit
  • Under the Rock website and reading list: Use this site to find resources that can help uncover history and learn more about events:
  • Diversity Art Challenge 2020 run by the Plymouth Public Schools Visual and Performing Arts Department and Plymouth YMCA Summer Camp: Diversity means the inclusion and advancement of all people regardless or race, gender, sexual orientation, ability or any other factor. The aim of this challenge is to uplift and include the voices of people who have been historically silenced, marginalized or underrepresented. Submissions accepted in all mediums by Aug. 31 by sending to